
CO2 Neutral Website – certificate for

Dit Skiltefirma

Certificate information

Valid certificate
Member ID
Available until
CO2 Neutral Website

CO2 Neutral Website Certificate

This certificate confirms that Dit Skiltefirma is a participant in the climate initiative "CO2 neutral websites". The carbon emissions from both the website and the users of the website have been neutralized by the building of new renewable energy sources, various CO2 reducing projects and by the purchase of certified CO2 offsets, which are cleared by the relevant government institutions.

CO2 Neutral Website initiative

Me pidämme lupauksemme – ja BDO pitää siitä huolen

BDO johtaa hiilidioksiditiliemme vuosittaisia tarkastuksia. Se osoittaa, että hankkeemme ja sijoituksemme kompensoivat keskimäärin 200 % jäsentemme päästöistä.

CO2 Neutral Website

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